Miles Completed Today: 62
Total Miles Completed: 3187
Miles To Go: 613
We found a nice camping spot last night at Buckhorn Lake State Park and had a cool evening for a change. Late at night a stray dog "adopted" us after following Chris around for awhile and getting a handout from Pat. The handout clinched the deal and he stayed around all night and had breakfast with us. We nicknamed him "Scrappy" because that's how he looked. And sure enough, later in the morning after Pat & Sean had left, he chased off a local Boston Terrier that was trying to slide into his/our camp.
Another 11:30 AM start today--the guys just like their sleep too much, so the destination today will be Pippa Passes, KY about 54 miles away, unless they feel like going further. The guys and bikes are getting ragged; Pat's pedal broke yesterday, so he is using one from Chris' mountain bike, and Sean had a flat tire this morning. But onward they go.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Perry County Public Library in Hazard, KY. (Hey, could this be the inspiration for the "Dukes of Hazard"?)
is it just me, or are you guys wearing the exact same pair of pants?
Pretty soon you'll be starting in the afternoon. Here's a clue guys, the coolest daylight of the day is after sunrise, those first few hours, I dare say if you had been utilizing those hours for the trip you would be DONE!!!! But I guess it's like Pat's parents telling him to wear a different shirt, it just ain't happening. At least you guys have fought the good fight for a month and a half, bring it on home now. p.s. Yes previous blogger, I believe they are wearing the same pants, and can they tell them apart, I don't want to know the answer to that after their weeks of sweaty riding. Uncle Tim
You're doing great guys! Pat and Sean.... maybe checking out a calendar and figuring out how many days are left before you need to be back for school is in order. Take the number of miles left and divide by the number of days left and....maybe get going a little earlier each day! That way when you have flat tires and broken pedals you can still get as far as you need to get each day. The end is in sight! Love you, Mom Fitz
So I was bored and did the math. If they travel 68 miles a day from now on they'll make it to the ocean by the 12th giving them 8 days until Pat starts school to get back to AZ.
Man, I need to find something better to do with my time than do math problems for you guys.
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