Miles Completed Today: 84
Total Miles Completed: 3568
Miles To Go: 232
Oh what a joy to sleep in a van. You would never think someone would be so happy to sleep in a van, but when the alternative is a tent on the ground with no fans, it's not so bad after all.
Today, the road heads northeast on County Road 640 and criss-crosses Interstate 81 a few times en route to historic Lexington where Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson had homes and where Virginia Military Institute and Washington & Lee University are located. From Lexington it's on to Vesuvius, Va. and then, time permitting, toward Charlottesville.
If all goes smoothly, we should reach the finish line Thursday or Friday!
Today's Internet courtesy of the Rockbridge Regional Library in Lexington, Va.
Update: The guys made it all the way to Afton, Va., where they hoped to meet the famous "Cookie Lady" who welcomes cross country cyclists and bakes them cookies. She has cycling memorabilia all the way back to 1976 when the "bikecetennial" started this cross country cycling craze. We had heard about her all the way out in Utah or Colorade from westbound riders. Unfortunately, she's not been doing well lately, and we could not see her, but the guys planned to ride by her house tomorrow and get a photo of it.
You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see ya!
Finish by Wednesday or no cookies for you! Day 55 or bust.
Bums, the both of you. Think you're cool cause you don't shave or bathe, and ride around looking for handouts. I can go down to Safeway and find a guy just like that and he'd be much more grateful for a dollar than you would ever be.
You two are the worst kind of bums, the greedy kind. The kinda bum who just became a bum and still misses the finer things. You should take a page from one of these elite bums, they know what bumming is really about. You don't even deserve the title of bum.
Counting the days - can't wait! Anxious to see pictures of Yorktown!
Hey guys,
Great work. Glad to see that trailer and tent got used after being carried 3500 miles.
The folks here at the conference are asking for updates and hoping you finish by Thursday, so we can toast to your success. (This group does not need much excuse to drink some prety good Vietnamese beer). Yang Yi, the Allan's, Bai's, Fagen's, Tu's, Nyugen's, and Bolivars all send their regards and almost congratulations.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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