Miles Completed Today: 13
Total Miles Completed: 3770
Miles To Go: 0
They did it! Fifty-six hard days of riding and the dynamic duo cycled into Yorktown just before noon today, thirteen miles from Williamsburg on the Colonial Parkway. It was another terribly muggy day, but that didn't dampen their spirits, and they rode the length without even filling their water bottles. After arriving they "cooled" off in the not so refreshing waters of Chesapeake Bay for awhile before heading indoors for victory lunch with two other groups that paralleled Pat & Sean's ride across the country; the "California team" of Dave and Zach, and Josh the lone rider from Utah.
Perseverance pays off and they never gave up, not in that river before Sacramento, not climbing the Sierras, not in the heat of Nevada and Lake Powell, not riding up the Continental Divide, not after a late night bug-ridden, dog chased night in Missouri, not in Kentucky or western Virginia on those foggy, steep, curving downhills or the blistering 132 mile ride into Williamsburg. Never say never. Congratulations!
Today's Internet courtesy of the Heritage Inn in Fredricksburg, Va.
Woo hoo! First to say congrats. Now, college!
You said, "You would do it", and YOU DID IT! WOW!!! Pat, and Sean, you are two terrific young men, and we couldn't be prouder. Big hug time soon.
Grandma and Grandpa Almond
I told you 55 days or no cookies for you. Well guess what? NO COOKIES FOR YOU!
Now since you've failed to meet my expectations once again, I suggest you come back and humbly kiss my feet and beg for forgiveness. And if you're lucky, I'll leave it at that.
Sean and Pat,
Hope you got my text message back when you finished. Your text message buzzed on my phone at 3:15 AM which was fine because I was getting up for a 5AM flight. You guys made my whole day and I had to brag a bit to the folks here in Iloilo Philippines. They just could not imagine anyone being able to make such a huge trip. Neither can I, but you showed an incredible amount of strength and perseverance.
We are even more thrilled that no one had an accident. Just goes to show you were being careful and taking care of one another. Have a couple of days relaxing and we will see you at home. However, do not think we will let you sleep in as late as Uncle Chris has been allowing.
Cheers, Congrats, Well Done, At aboy and all that stuff.
Good, Better, Best, etc., etc., etc.--You've proven to be the Best. Well done. Now thank the Lord for a safe and successful journey. Include Chris too in your acclamations. Oma & Opa
IT'S OFFICIAL . . . . . . . . .
Enjoy DC --- you deserve a fun day!
Sean-we can't wait to see you on Sat!
'Til then be safe & have fun.
Congratulations! We are all so proud of you! Can't wait to see you. Love, Mom Fitz
I am completely impressed by the whole thing and wanted to tell you that Chris has been impressive! He kept the blog updated, writes well, and was there for you guys - what a saint!
I hope you thank him heartily and realize what he made possible for you.
This coming from a parent of course.
Jacqueline's friend Rebecca
This is like any other goal that you set for yourself. You just take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, and sometimes, one mile at a time until you reach your goal. If you can finish this the posibilities are endless. I am working as the Instructional Coach at Gridley Middle School. Good luck to you next year in College.
Dr. Schulter
Congratulations everyone!!!!! I'm in awe!! You're going to blow your classmates' minds at college this fall when they hear what you did this summer.
I just got back from a last minute trip to Headquarters, so we weren't that far away the last few days. I can attest to everyone it was really hot and really humid in D.C. and I'm sure it was where you were too. Excellent job. Pat, your Dad and I (the two with the bum knees) are going to try to beat your record next summer (biking is supposed to be good for the knees!). I am going to chart a different course though, with nightly stops at 5 star hotels with massages and jacuzzis. We want to use Chris as a ride along again, plus have him be our fund raiser since we could not afford such a trip. Seriously, very impressive guys, all three of you have completed a great story to be told for years! Have a beer (rootbeer)!! Uncle Tim
You DID IT! Wow!! Congratulations! What an adventure to treasure for your lifetime! Uncle Chris your blog was wonderful! You boys are inspiring and should be just beaming with pride. I don't know about any of the other blog readers but I am going to miss reading your adventure each day. Thanks for allowing us all to follow your travels.
Christine (Mom Fitz's friend)
GREAT!FANTASTIC!AMAZING!These things describe your ride. YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE SEEN SO MANY STATES. In 56 days you saw more than 1/2 of what I saw in a couple of years! Come visit us on your way back!
good job guys :]
You guys are so amazing! I am so proud of you and proud to know you! I can't wait to see ya!
Great job guys, although I am suspicious about cereal that disappeared out of a certain Colorado pantry. ;-)
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