Miles Completed Today: 67
Total Miles Completed: 3625
Miles To Go: 165
The end is in sight! Well, not literally, but today is the last day in the mountains as we descend from the Blue Ridge parkway, drive through the University of Virgina campus in Charlottesville, on to Monticello, and then to Mineral, Va. That would leave about another 140 miles to go, so a Thursday finish in two more days is most likely. There was talk of making the last day a 100 mile plus ride, but we'll see. The weather is still sticky, humid and hot, and once we get near the Tidewater region of southeast Virgina, it will probably get worse.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library in Charlottesville, Va.
Hi Guys,
Already Wednesday here. Goooodddd mmmorrrnnnniinnggg Viiieetnnnaammmm.... So not sure when you will finish compared to where, when I am.??? Not sure that makes sense!!! Anyway, be careful on the run-in and enjoy the last bit with plenty of photos.
Dang! You guys are almost done! I decided that I was too tired to work out this morning and had a Wendy's Double Combo Meal for lunch... You all depress me.
Two days left and counting... almost D O N E - we can't believe the end is near. Happy? Sad?
Look out DC - the C2C team are comin' to town!
It hard to believe that we'll see each other on Saturday! It's been a long 2 months!!!!
Miss you! See you soon! xoxoxox
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