Miles Completed Today: 64
Total Miles Completed: 3335
Miles To Go: 465
1. California--Done!
2. Nevada--Toast!
3. Utah--Ain't No Thang!
4. Colorado--Two Passes, So What?
5. Kansas--Puhhlease!
6. Missouri--Say What?
7. Illinois--What Was That?
8. Kentucky--You Call Those Roads?
9. Virginia--You're Next!
The guys are on a mission to Damascus today, Damascus, Va. that is. Both bikes are ailing and Damascus has three bike shops, so hopefully one of them can get the bikes back to ninety or one hundred percent for the final sprint through Virginia. We're in the shop now (3:15 PM) so we'll see what they can do. Most likely, we will stay in the area. A nice area it is--green hills and lots of forest in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Tomorrow the trail heads northeast along the Appalachian Trail.
Yayy!! Its the FINAL STRETCH!!! Bring it home, boys!
Less than 500 miles to go-on day 50! The end is near. I'm sure you guys are excited yet a bit sad about the impending end of this once of a lifetime trip. Get your butts home - college is callin'!!!!
See you in a week or so! Can't wait!
'Til then be safe & have fun! Call when you can.
Hey Guys,
Get those bikes fixed and back on the road agin... I think I know this song.
Greetings from Hanoi.
Hope yur having fun. Keep those miles coming. Put on (a little) sunscreen. Keep it up.
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