Miles Completed Today: 79
Total Miles Completed: 1051
Miles To Go: 2649
Team Sean & Pat hit the pavement at 8:15 AM today and are heading north out of Boulder, UT on Route 12 beginning with a steady 2,500 foot climb. Once they summit, though, it will be smooth sailing for fifty to sixty miles to the east on Route 24 into Hanksville, UT where we hope to spend the night. Last night they hooked up with the "Connecticut team" again for dinner in Boulder and got to meet the parents who came in from Connecticut to support them.
Update: It was a long hot ride today at 79 miles, but it was filled with enough scenery for a week. The early climb to 9,500 feet with lush green pines and aspen was followed by a slow descent through Capitol Reef National Park, where vegetation slowly disappeared over the final 50 miles. Forests gave way to red rocks, which were then followed by a ride through steep, rocky canyon walls as the trail went along the Fremont River. The guys took a nice break at a swimming hole in the Fremont River before rolling in to Hanksville, UT at 6:30 PM. Pat ate two BLT sandwiches for dinner, and then topped it off with a club sandwich for dessert.
Today's Internet courtesy of Subway in Torrey, UT.