Miles Completed Today: 21
Total Miles Completed: 901
Miles To Go: 2799
Two weeks of hard pedaling have earned Sean and Pat a day of leisure, so today they will ride the twenty-one miles from Panguitch, UT to Bryce Canyon National Park and we will spend the day taking in the sights. If they feel like riding a few more miles later in the afternoon, then they'll press on a little further, otherwise, we'll stay near Bryce.
Update: It was a short 21 miles from Panguitch, UT to Bryce Canyon National Park, but the road was picturesque. The road out of Panguitch paralleled a meandering river for several miles and then wound through Red Canyon, which was extra special because of its red rocks and five mile, paved bike path for cyclists. We converged at Ruby's Inn just outside the entrance to Bryce Canyon National Park around noon and spent the rest of the day taking in the sights at Bryce. By five o'clock we had found a nice camping site in Bryce and settled in for the night. Soon thereafter, we had an intruder try to break in to the camper and steal some of our food. Fortunately, we caught him red handed. Since he looked so hungry though, we let him off the hook and let him keep his bounty: one pretzel.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Panguitch, UT KOA campground.
Hi Guys,
Hope you have a great day at Bryce and then ready to roll the next day.
Wow Sean you are so strong. He he. The intruder is so cute. Since you found a campsite, did you actually pitch a tent, or still stay in the van?
The cropped picture of Sean "holding the boulder up" looks like there is a fiery explosion from hell coming up behind him. I had to blow up the picture before I realized it was the sunlight on the landscape.
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