Miles Completed Today: 63
Total Miles Completed: 683
Miles To Go: 3017
Another early wakeup today at 6:00 AM, and the guys took off for Baker, NV at 8:00 AM. Sixty-two miles and two passes lie ahead on Highwy 50. We will bid farewell to Highway 50 just before the Utah border and make a turn to the southeast near Great Basin National Park on roads 487 and 21 towards Cedar City, UT. Sean and Pat struggled getting up, but that's the case every day, so all systems are "normal".
Update: During a lunch break at Thomson's Pass today the British team came along, and another team from San Francisco as well. All three teams are headed for Yorktown, Va. We gave bananas to the U.K. team and topped them off with some extra cold water since they were having a tough day, but they're a tough group and bounce back every day.
Wind was the biggest obstacle today, and even though an early start helped, the winds picked up throughout the day reaching 40 mph gusts. Fortunately, they were in the right direction for the final climb of the day and helped pushed the guys uphill. We converged in Baker and had a nice pesto pizza at the Lectrolux Cafe, named after Electrolux vacuum cleaners, where we met yet another biker, this one riding from Ohio to Washington state. After dinner we drove a few miles to Great Basin National Park and found an ideal campsite at Lower Lehman campgrounds.
Today's Internet coutesy of the Ely, NV KOA Campground.
Utah will be gorgeous! Congrats to Patrick on your new personal best speed time! So Sean, did you learn anything from that book "Understanding Women..." that you were reading a few days ago? Chris-the site is fab, can't wait for the next installment. Call when you can. xoxox
The pictures are still grate, keep em coming. You guys should be sponsored by some sunscreen company, you look great for endless summer days in the sun.
Soo, Im leaving for Chicago Tuesday.... I figure, a 3-4 hour flight....
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