Miles Completed Today: 69
Total Miles Completed: 139
Miles To Go: 3561
Pat and Sean resumed the trek at 9:30 AM in Winters, CA and made quick progress reaching Davis and the university in about an hour. After a quick rest at UC Davis, they headed on toward Sacramento and soon ran into their first dilemma; a river with no visible crossing. Backtracking, asking the locals and a fisherman for directions, and perseverance eventually paid off after three hours, but they forded the river a la Lewis and Clark style carrying their bikes across the river.
Based on the progress and blistering heat again today, they will stop at Folsom State Park, assuming no other insurmountable obstacles. The good news is that tomorrow temperatures are forecast to drop and we'll be going up in elevation too, so things ought to improve.
Update: The guys reached Folsom at 8:30 PM by winding along the American River through Sacremento on a specatular bike trail. We "camped" in the van for the night.
Keep it up boys! "You can do it"!
Wow! That trail looks so beautiful! How amazing!
Good luck!
Hi Guys! Am enjoying reading the Blog so much! Love following what you're doing and where you are at! So proud of you both! Chris - I think you rock!!!
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