Miles Completed Today: 60
Total Miles Completed: 422
Miles To Go: 3278
We woke up at 7:00 this morning, but never got on road until 10:30 after having breakfast and getting ready. We wanted to get some more insurance tubes after yesterday's flats, but the only bike shop in town was closed. So Pat and Sean rolled out of Fallon, NV at 10:45 heading down the stretch of Highway 50 known as "The Loneliest Road".
The "guest" in today's heading-out photo is "Mel" the Wal-Mart gardener who was sprucing up around us this morning and was so intrigued by the journey we were enjoying. A seventy-one year old, tough as nails, self described "Brooklyn boy", he'd made his way out west, lived in San Francisco, and settled in Fallon, NV. After we chatted with him for awhile, we asked him to be in the picture, and he was more than happy. Then he grabbed Pat's hand and gave a nice, spontaneous prayer and blessing to send us off on our way. What a guy.
Today's internet courtesy of the Churchill County Public Library in Fallon, NV.
Update: The guys made it to Cold Springs, NV where we spent the night.
Hi Guys,
Glad to see the steady progress. Where are the Brits? Hope you are not getting shown up by a bunch of old timers.
Hey guys, try using some liners in the tires, maybe you won't get as many flats... works for me...
Great pics and stories...keet it up!
God bless Mel! Oh the places you'll go and the people you'll meet - what fun! Hey where are the UK boys? Sean - I talked to Rebecca today, she said you should get Armadillo tires.
Hoping to hear from you guys in a day or two when your done with "the loneliest road".
Stay safe. Have fun.
Hey guys,
Know your tired and sore, but us at home know your having the time of you lives, can tell by the pics. Hang in there, we look forward to the posts everyday. Best to all, keep it up.
Hi, Guys--
Chris, you haven't mentioned the temperatures. We've been worried about the heat on the desert. How is it going? Also, we would find it easier to track progress if you would list highway numbers as they show up. Keep up the good work, you guys! You're fabulous! Bonnie and Mead
This is a note Anthony (from work) wanted to write Sean. His internet is down at home.
Whats up Sean. This is Anthony. I was just checking up on u 2 c how u were doing? I hope u and ur crew r doing ok. I want 2 show u some support and let u no that I am glad that u r doing something positive. I will keep u in my prayers so that everything is good. Have fun and don't give up.
If you were a girl he would of said, "Work those thighs."
Good Luck!
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