For those of you that were with us on the "virtual" tour but didn't have the pleasure of hearing them, I'd like to share some lasting moments and comments from along the trail...
"Uncle Chris, can you see a way across the river in the bottom corner of the map?"
(Pat & Sean trying to ford a river in the San Joaquin valley outside of Sacramento after missing a turn while Chris is having a slice of pizza at Costco.)
"Ow, Ow, Ow, my legs!"
(Both Sean and Pat trying to run across the street in Folsom, NV for dinner on unconditioned legs.)
(Pat's casual, emotionless comment when he realized he was inevitably tipping over at 1 mph and could not unclip his feet from the pedals just before he crashed in the parking lot in Carson City, NV. Lucky for him, he jumped up before we could get a photograph.)
"I'm not ready to quit."
(Sean's resolve when we mentioned that if his dropout (bike part) broke, he could ride in the van that day as we were getting ready to leave the Hite Recreation area at Lake Powell.)
"The Brit's were just here."
(Uncle Chris' jibe at the guys when the elderly British team left Middlegate, NV before Sean and Pat arrived.
"He wouldn't go away"
(Pat and Sean's comment about the talkative guy in the Fallon, NV Wal-Mart parking lot who came over and struck up a biking conversation with them around 9PM and didn't leave until 11:30."
"Well, how hard did you knock? Like this?"
(Scotty's comment as he playfully knuckled Chris in the chest when he asked us how hard we knocked on the door of his trailer when we tried to register at his campground. [Scotty's campground was a little creepy])
"That was hilarious."
(Sean and Pat's response when Uncle Chris told them that he had to use the bathroom six times in one hour after eating something at Bryce Canyon. Not funny!)
"How could he get lost?"
(Chris and Pat after Sean missed a turn in Girard, KS on the way to dinner a half mile away.)
"We're not doing that again"
(Pat's comment the morning after they elected to ride their bikes deep into the night, even until midnight, on the ride to Ash Grove, MO. Bugs, smelly air, and bike-chasing dogs were in abundance.)
"You're lucky I don't throw you out right now!"
(The grumpy camp host's response to Chris' joking comment of "I guess that means no fireworks" when Chris was told it was quiet time as we arrived at Grindstone Campground in Va.)
(Collective scream by all three when lightning flashed and boomed simultaneously nearby the van while we were hunkered down inside at Rough River, MO)
And for those who might be interested, here is a list of our nightly stops along the way:
Day Date End Point Accommodations
0 June 13 Vallejo, CA Vallejo Inn
1 June 14 Winters, CA Super 8 Motel, Dixon, CA
2 June 15 Folsom, CA Wal-Mart Inn
3 June 16 Somerset, CA Indian Grinding Rock State Park, Pine Grove, CA
4 June 17 Bear River, CA Bear River Reservoir Campground
5 June 18 Carson City, CA Comstock Country RV Park
6 June 19 Fallon, NV Wal-Mart Inn
7 June 20 Cold Springs, NV Cold Springs Campground/RV
8 June 21 Bob Scott Summit, NV Bob Scott Campground
9 June 22 Eureka, NV Scotty's RV Park
10 June 23 Ely, NV Ely KOA Campground
11 June 24 Baker, NV Great Basin Nat. Park, Lower Lehman Creek Campground
12 June 25 Milford, UT Lion's Club Charity RV Park
13 June 26 Cedar City, UT Wal-Mart Inn
14 June 27 Panguitch, UT Panguitch KOA Campground
15 June 28 Bryce Canyon, UT Bryce Canyon Campground
16 June 29 Boulder, UT Boulder Grocery/Campground
17 June 30 Hanksville, UT Red Rock Restaurant/Campground
18 July 1 Hite Rec. Area, UT Hite Rec. Area
19 July 2 Blanding, UT Four Corners Inn
20 July 3 Dolores, CO Wal-Mart Inn, Cortez, CO
21 July 4 Telluride, CO Pandora Lane
22 July 5 Montrose, CO Hampton Inn
23 July 6 Gunnison, CO Wal-Mart Inn, Gunnison, CO
24 July 7 Coaldale, CO Bear RV Park, CO
25 July 8 Colorado Springs, CO The Hardman's
26 July 9 Sugar City, CO Sugar City City Park
27 July 10 Eads, CO Eads City Park
28 July 11 Tribune, KS Tribune City Park
29 July 12 Dighton, KS Dighton City Park
30 July 13 La Cross,KS La Crosse, CIty Park
31 July 14 Nickerson, KS Nickerson City Park
32 July 15 Cassoday, KS Cassoday City Park
33 July 16 Toronto, KS Toronto Lake State Park
34 July 17 Girard, KS Winston City Park
35 July 18 Ash Grove, MO Ash Grove City Park
36 July 19 Hartville, MO Hartville City Park
37 July 20 Houston, MO Houston Motel
38 July 21 Eminence, MO Riverfront RV Park
39 July 22 St. Louis, MO Motel 6
40 July 23 Farmington, MO Wal-Mart Inn
41 July 24 Murphysboro, IL Lake Murphysboro State Park
42 July 25 Galconda, IL Rauchfuss Hill Campground
43 July 26 Sebree, KY First Baptist Church
44 July 27 Rough River, KY Rough River State Park
45 July 28 Sonora, KY Pilot Truck Stop
46 July 29 Springfield, KY Idle Hour City Park
47 July 30 Lexington, KY Homewood Suites
48 July 31 Buckhorn, KY Buckhorn Lake State Park
49 August 1 Pippa Passes, KY Shopping Center
50 August 2 Council, VA Council City Park
51 August 3 Koonarock, VA Grindstone Campground
52 August 4 Radford, VA City Park
53 August 5 Troutville, VA Camp Bethel
54 August 6 Waynesboro, VA (Afton) Wal-Mart Inn
55 August 7 Mineral, VA Anna Lake Campground
56 August 8 Williamsburg, VA Motel 6
Farewell to all and thank you for the comments.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Miles Completed Today: 13
Total Miles Completed: 3770
Miles To Go: 0
They did it! Fifty-six hard days of riding and the dynamic duo cycled into Yorktown just before noon today, thirteen miles from Williamsburg on the Colonial Parkway. It was another terribly muggy day, but that didn't dampen their spirits, and they rode the length without even filling their water bottles. After arriving they "cooled" off in the not so refreshing waters of Chesapeake Bay for awhile before heading indoors for victory lunch with two other groups that paralleled Pat & Sean's ride across the country; the "California team" of Dave and Zach, and Josh the lone rider from Utah.
Perseverance pays off and they never gave up, not in that river before Sacramento, not climbing the Sierras, not in the heat of Nevada and Lake Powell, not riding up the Continental Divide, not after a late night bug-ridden, dog chased night in Missouri, not in Kentucky or western Virginia on those foggy, steep, curving downhills or the blistering 132 mile ride into Williamsburg. Never say never. Congratulations!
Today's Internet courtesy of the Heritage Inn in Fredricksburg, Va.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Day 55-Heat Advisory, Stay Indoors! Update: Century Achieved!!!

Miles Completed Today: 132
Total Miles Completed: 3757
Miles To Go: 23
Our NOAA weather radios last night said there was a heat advisory for today from 1-8 PM, so at the crack of dawn the guys were up and on the road at 6:15 AM. Before sunrise! We even have photos to prove it. They will ride northeast on Route 522 and then cut southeasterly toward Ashland, Va. and Glendale, Va., today's target destination, weather permitting.
Last night we camped at Lake Anna a few miles off the trail, but once again it was an entertaining place. This one had thirty cats. They were quiet at night, so we can't complain.
If all goes well, we should roll into Yorktown sometime tomorrow for the finale! It's hard to believe we are that close, and it seems like we just left San Francisco not too long ago. The guys have really appreciated all the comments, and even though they didn't always get to read them on their own, I always tell them about who said what--especially those mysterious anonymous inputs.
Today's Internet courtesy of Panera Bread in Glen Allen, Va.
UPDATE: Well there's nothing like a challenge to motivate, and that's what the guys got today when they ran into the "California Team" (Zach and Dave), a team they first met way out west in Nevada that is riding unsupported. We have leapfrogged with them ever since and the guys surely didn't want to let the other team get to the finish before them, so they all rode together today all the way to Williamsburg. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO MILES, if I read the map correctly! That leaves a cake walk of about twenty miles tomorrow for the finale!
Update courtesy of the Williamsburg Public Library in Williamsburg, Va.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Day 54-Three, Two, O......

Miles Completed Today: 67
Total Miles Completed: 3625
Miles To Go: 165
The end is in sight! Well, not literally, but today is the last day in the mountains as we descend from the Blue Ridge parkway, drive through the University of Virgina campus in Charlottesville, on to Monticello, and then to Mineral, Va. That would leave about another 140 miles to go, so a Thursday finish in two more days is most likely. There was talk of making the last day a 100 mile plus ride, but we'll see. The weather is still sticky, humid and hot, and once we get near the Tidewater region of southeast Virgina, it will probably get worse.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library in Charlottesville, Va.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Day 53-Hot Lava Ahead In Vesuvius!

Miles Completed Today: 84
Total Miles Completed: 3568
Miles To Go: 232
Oh what a joy to sleep in a van. You would never think someone would be so happy to sleep in a van, but when the alternative is a tent on the ground with no fans, it's not so bad after all.
Today, the road heads northeast on County Road 640 and criss-crosses Interstate 81 a few times en route to historic Lexington where Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson had homes and where Virginia Military Institute and Washington & Lee University are located. From Lexington it's on to Vesuvius, Va. and then, time permitting, toward Charlottesville.
If all goes smoothly, we should reach the finish line Thursday or Friday!
Today's Internet courtesy of the Rockbridge Regional Library in Lexington, Va.
Update: The guys made it all the way to Afton, Va., where they hoped to meet the famous "Cookie Lady" who welcomes cross country cyclists and bakes them cookies. She has cycling memorabilia all the way back to 1976 when the "bikecetennial" started this cross country cycling craze. We had heard about her all the way out in Utah or Colorade from westbound riders. Unfortunately, she's not been doing well lately, and we could not see her, but the guys planned to ride by her house tomorrow and get a photo of it.
Day 52-The Road To Bethel

Miles Completed Today: 72
Total Miles Completed: 3484
Miles To Go: 316
Today was the second day of self supported riding through the Blue Ridge Mountains of western/central Virgina. More twisting mountain riding on a very humid day, but they found a little oasis at the end of the day at Camp Bethel campground with a pool, hot showers, and even a free dinner. Chris joined up with the guys later in the evening after chasing some "wanna-be SAG dogs" out of the van in Charlotte.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Day 51-Grinding On From Grindstone

Miles Completed Today: 77
Total Miles Completed: 3412
Miles To Go: 388
Grindstone Campground near Mt. Rogers in western Virgina was the campsite last night after an evening ride on the Virgina Creeper Trail, a converted railroad track that is now a bike path outside Abington and Damascus, Va. Portions of the path are shared with the Appalachian Trail as it winds through the mountains. Today, the duo rode to just a few miles west of Christiansburg coming in with a total of 77 miles for the day.
Update: This was a solo, self-supported day for Pat & Sean as the SAG detoured to Charlotte, NC to visit relatives for the day and spend the night. So they pulled the bike trailer and camped on their own in a park near Radford, VA. Funny thing is they got up and were on the road by 9:00 AM the next day. Hmmm, maybe self-supported is the way to go since sleeping in while in a tent just isn't that fun?
Friday, August 3, 2007
Day 50-Eight Down, One To Go

Miles Completed Today: 64
Total Miles Completed: 3335
Miles To Go: 465
1. California--Done!
2. Nevada--Toast!
3. Utah--Ain't No Thang!
4. Colorado--Two Passes, So What?
5. Kansas--Puhhlease!
6. Missouri--Say What?
7. Illinois--What Was That?
8. Kentucky--You Call Those Roads?
9. Virginia--You're Next!
The guys are on a mission to Damascus today, Damascus, Va. that is. Both bikes are ailing and Damascus has three bike shops, so hopefully one of them can get the bikes back to ninety or one hundred percent for the final sprint through Virginia. We're in the shop now (3:15 PM) so we'll see what they can do. Most likely, we will stay in the area. A nice area it is--green hills and lots of forest in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Tomorrow the trail heads northeast along the Appalachian Trail.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Day 49-Virginia, The Final State!

Miles Completed Today: 87
Total Miles Completed: 3271
Miles To Go: 529
They can taste it now, the end that is, and Sean & Pat got up early to reach and chip away at the last state, Virginia, which they should reach by the afternoon near Elkhorn City, KY. We'll have an "attitude check", i.e. energy check, once they reach Elkhorn City and decide whether to stay at Breaks Interstate Park just across the border in Va. or to proceed further and knock off a few more miles. Strangely enough, places to stay are getting stark in this area--shades of those long stretches out west.
We are definitely in coal country as mines are everywhere and big trucks constantly roll by full of coal. There's controversy here as some of the mines are just being made by chopping off the tops of mountains to reach the coal instead of "drilling" in for it. Either way though, they are getting it.
Kudzu is also more prevalent in the region, and it's fun to identify the shapes it creates as it takes over the underlying vegetation or structures. Left unchecked, it takes over entire hillsides.
Update: The guys still felt fresh in Elkhorn City, KY, so we rolled on to Council, VA just east of Breaks Interstate Park.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Pike County Public Library in Elkhorn City, KY.
(no wireless, and no USB ports on these old computers, so pictures will come later.)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Day 48-Limping Toward Virginia

Miles Completed Today: 62
Total Miles Completed: 3187
Miles To Go: 613
We found a nice camping spot last night at Buckhorn Lake State Park and had a cool evening for a change. Late at night a stray dog "adopted" us after following Chris around for awhile and getting a handout from Pat. The handout clinched the deal and he stayed around all night and had breakfast with us. We nicknamed him "Scrappy" because that's how he looked. And sure enough, later in the morning after Pat & Sean had left, he chased off a local Boston Terrier that was trying to slide into his/our camp.
Another 11:30 AM start today--the guys just like their sleep too much, so the destination today will be Pippa Passes, KY about 54 miles away, unless they feel like going further. The guys and bikes are getting ragged; Pat's pedal broke yesterday, so he is using one from Chris' mountain bike, and Sean had a flat tire this morning. But onward they go.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Perry County Public Library in Hazard, KY. (Hey, could this be the inspiration for the "Dukes of Hazard"?)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Day 47-Daniel Boone Country

Miles Completed Today: 74
Total Miles Completed: 3125
Miles To Go: 675*
(*According to the maps we have 675 miles to go, so that's why it bumped up 100 miles
from yesterday. The total was supposed to be 3700, but it looks like it will be closer to 3800)
Berea, KY (pronounced buh-ree-uh) is home to Berea College, the first interracial, coeducational college in the South, founded in 1855 on a picturesque 140 acre campus dotted with massive oak trees. Students pay no tuition, but are required to work during the entire four years in the community or at the school. Pat and Sean did not want to leave the setting, but like Daniel Boone, the most famous local, they blazed the trails of eastern Kentucky despite the perils. Instead of bears, Indians, and other hazardous wildlife though, they will battle cars, humidity, craft selling artists, and bicycle chasing dogs.
Hills were spotted on the horizon in the distance this morning, meaning Appalachia is near. Today's route will twist and turn out of Berea on Route 21 and other country roads eventually leading to Buckhorn, KY, seventy-four miles away.
Today's Internet courtesy of Berea College in Berea, KY.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 46-It's Not Just An Adventure, It's A Job

Miles Completed Today: 74
Total Miles Completed: 3051
Miles To Go: 649
The lazy, hazy days of Summer continue today, and the air is so thick with humidity you could probably scoop a handful worth and squeeze out a few drops of water. Dew covered the van this morning and made us think it drizzled at night. Visibility is so poor, it's not even possible to see what the weather will be like for more than five minutes. But they persevered and hit the road at 10:40 this morning headed from Springfield, KY to Harrodsburg, KY on Route 152. Harrodsburg was the first established settlement east of the Applachains in 1774. From Harrodsburg they wound through more Bluegrass countryside to Berea, today's destination.
We are in the heart of blugrass country now dotted with lush, green horse farms, tobacco fields, and cool stone fences. Sean's Dad got us a great hotel room in Lexington for the night and we are soaking up the air conditioning, showers, and swimming pool. Thank you!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Day 45-Lincoln Bike Logs

Miles Completed Today: 71
Total Miles Completed: 2977
Miles To Go: 723
Only in Kentucky can you park in the Pilot Truck Stop and wake up next door to "Shag Nasty"! When we opened the van door this morning our neighbor was this fine, custom, Chevy Siverado cruiser. Needless to say, the guys were quite impressed and insisted that we include it in today's photo. "Shag" was sound asleep in the back seat after an obviously late Saturday night of music, so we never got to see him in the morning, but our imaginations will run wild. What a contrast; Amish, horse-drawn carriages in the daylight, and "1988 Texas Ride's" at night!
The trail today curls around central Kentucky from Sonora to Springfield on Routes 84, 61, 470, and about five others passing by Lincoln's birthplace and his early homestead. Yes, Lincoln was born in Kentucky.
Today's Internet (finally) courtesy of Panera Bread in Elizabethtown, KY.
Day 44-The Bluegrass Desert?!

Miles Completed Today: 46
Total Miles Completed: 2906
Miles To Go: 794
The steam bath sleep night was no fun and all the biking gear was soaked in the morning, so we headed to a laundromat to wash and dry everything. (It needed it before the rain anyway, but the SAG never says "no" to laundry runs when the guys ask for them. In fact, they are stongly encouraged daily!) Since the thick humid air continued today, and it was a late start due to the laundry, the guys rode from Rough River to, where else of course, Sonora, KY! It's hard to believe Sonora is in the Blugress region, but that's a new one on us, so from now on when we hear Sonora, we'll have to clarify, "Do you mean the desert or the Bluegrass town?"
Friday, July 27, 2007
Day 43-Kentucky Bluegrass

Miles Completed Today: 71
Total Miles Completed: 2860
Miles To Go: 940
True Southern Hospitality is what you would call Sebree's First Baptist Church hosting for cyclists. It was nice surprise, and the guys will remember it for a long time to come. Today, they'll be riding into Kentcky Bluegrass as they go from Sebree to Rough River State Park.
Update: A late start, i.e. 11:30 AM, means a late finish, and in the summer thunderstorms tend form in the afternoons when it's hot. Today was no exception and rain showers slowed the duo throughout the day and they were only one mile away from the Rough River State Recreation Area when they had to seek refuge. After waiting it out and drying out, they ran into Chris on a "rescue mission". Once they realized they were so close to the campground, they decided to ride the last mile on the bikes, but once they got halfway there, the skies opened up and dumped buckets of rain on them and they rolled into camp soaked like wet rags. After showering though, the deluge continued with everyone in the van. Rain blew through the ceiling fan and started dripping inside, so it had to be closed along with the windows, which made for a humid steam bath and rough sleeping conditions for the night.
Internet access is getting limited here, but we'll try to get updated soon.
Day 42-Crossing The Ohio River

Miles Completed Today: 80
Total Miles Completed: 2789
Miles To Go: 911
Galconda State Recreation Area on the Ohio River was a nice camping spot, and was even better since we were the only campers there. We awoke to three wild turkeys and a turtle, but the turkeys took off before we get them in a photo. The turtle made it though. Sean and Pat rode north out of town and headed east to Elizabethtown where we stopped for lunch on the river, literally on the Ohio river. Next was a short ferry ride across the Ohio River and into Kentucky, the last state before Virginia, the finale state. We planned to stay in Dixon, KY, but once we arrived and realized that they had no accommodations, the guys decided to go a little further to Sebree. What stroke of luck! The First Baptist Church in Sebree provided housing to cyclists, and the pastor and his wife, Bob and Violet Hardison, cooked us a great meal and lodging for the night in the church's activity center. They were wonderful hosts and were a welcome surprise.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 41-Slipping Through Illinois

Miles Completed Today: 66
Total Miles Completed: 2709
Miles To Go: 991
Only three states remain on the tour: Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia. Sean & Pat will quickly dispatch with most of Illinios today heading south out of Murphysboro on Route 127, cutting east by Carbondale, and then zig-zagging on country roads eventually riding Routes 147, 145, and 146 to Eddyville, IL and the Golconda State Recreation Area on the Ohio River.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Sallie Logan Public Library in Murphysboro, IL.
Day 40-An End To The Mizzouri

Miles Completed Today: 78
Total Miles Completed: 2643
Miles To Go: 1057
Relaxing yesterday in St. Louis refreshed Sean & Pat as we visited the Arch and downtown, hit a shopping mall, saw a movie, reloaded at Costco, and generally took it easy. At the Jefferson National Memorial (the Arch) we biked around, saw the Lewis & Clark statue (including Lewis' dog, Seaman who made the journey with them) and toured the museum. Unfortunately, that Harry Potter addiction took its toll again and they stayed up reading until 2:00 AM under his spell. After a morning laundry stop, they headed east from Farmington, MO at 11:30 AM to Chester, Ill. on Routes OO, F, B, P, N, Z, H, and 51. The abysmal road signs and shoulder-free Missouri roads will not be missed! Once across the mighty Mississippi, we cruised southeast on the levee toward Rockwood and then cut east to Murphysboro, Ill., where we spent the night at Murphysboro State Park.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 39-Going For Gold

Miles Completed Today: 88
Total Miles Completed: 2565
Miles To Go: 1135
Pat & Sean got up early today at 6:00AM in hopes of breaking the century mark today to make up for lost time yesterday, and to get us to the closest point from St. Louis, where we plan to take the day off tomorrow. They'll head east on Route 106 from Eminence, MO, cut north at Ellington, MO, and then follow routes 21/72 and N to Farmington, and then a few country roads to River Aux Vases, MO, a few miles short of the Mississippi River.
Update: No century mark today, but eighty-eight miles through the Ozarks is close enough. The guys finished riding in Farmington, MO and we drove an hour up to St. Louis and checked in to a hotel for the night and a well deserved break day tomorrow. Judging from the picture of a road sign we passed today, you can see why it's so easy to get lost in Missouri.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Day 38-Riding The Ozarks To Summersville

Miles Completed Today: 43 (but rode 56!)
Total Miles Completed: 2477
Miles To Go: 1223
We will head out today on Route 17 heading east to Summersville.
Update: Another rocky start today out of Houston as the guys took the wrong route and headed south instead of east out of town, so they got to pedal an extra thirteen miles and meet some true "country folk" on their dirt road detour back to the main route. Must have been that late night Harry Potter reading that threw them off.
The path wound through more of the Ozarks and included a stretch through the Ozark National Scenic Riverways which include Alley Spring, the site of an old grain mill. Although still functional, the mill ceased operation around the turn of the century. It was located and powered by Alley Spring, which still pumps out eighty million gallons of crystal clear, sixty degree water every year. Water from the spring joins the nearby Jacks Fork River creating a haven for rafting and canoeing enthusiasts. Five miles east lies the town of Eminence, where we camped for the night aside the Jacks Fork.
Day 37-Houston On The Horizon

Miles Completed Today: 38
Total Miles Completed: 2434
Miles To Go: 1266
A morning thunderstorm held the team captive in Hartville until 1:00 PM so they were able to have yet another meal at LJD's cafe, their third in a row after dinner and breakfast. But the food was so good they really didn't mind. The "guest" in today's photo is Larry, the captain and "chef" at LJD's. His custom cooking rig was made from a large milk vessel and his former boat trailer, so BBQ, brisket, and chicken grill is mobile for big events up to 150 people.
Word of mouth we have heard for a couple of states now was that the Houston Motel in Houston was a must for bikers, so the guys decided on riding just the 38 miles to Houston, MO for the day. On the way though, they cooled off at Dog Bluff, just outside of town, and did some swimming and cliff jumping in to the Big Piney River. Then, since the latest Harry Potter book was going to be released on June 21st, they went to Wal-Mart, got some face painting, played Harry Potter trivia, and stayed up until midnight to buy their first editions.
Today's Internet courtesy of The Houston Motel, Houston, MO.
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