Miles Completed Today: 43 (but rode 56!)
Total Miles Completed: 2477
Miles To Go: 1223
We will head out today on Route 17 heading east to Summersville.
Update: Another rocky start today out of Houston as the guys took the wrong route and headed south instead of east out of town, so they got to pedal an extra thirteen miles and meet some true "country folk" on their dirt road detour back to the main route. Must have been that late night Harry Potter reading that threw them off.
The path wound through more of the Ozarks and included a stretch through the Ozark National Scenic Riverways which include Alley Spring, the site of an old grain mill. Although still functional, the mill ceased operation around the turn of the century. It was located and powered by Alley Spring, which still pumps out eighty million gallons of crystal clear, sixty degree water every year. Water from the spring joins the nearby Jacks Fork River creating a haven for rafting and canoeing enthusiasts. Five miles east lies the town of Eminence, where we camped for the night aside the Jacks Fork.
Hey Guys- Looking GREAT! we read about you all along and are so insprired. thanks for taking all of us with you! Wouldn't have the energy to do it but always wanted to and now I get to in some way. We will stay posted. Let us know if a southern dip is in the cards. All our love-The sosa's
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dear patrik and shon and uncle cris hi I want to go all the states.
love, pop
Wow I went to Walmart at midnight as well, to get the new harry potter book. That was because my cousin was desperate. So, how are you planning to read these books on your bike? I guess you guys are talented enough. I mean you are traveling across the country. You are doing great! Love the pics.
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