Miles Completed Today: 66
Total Miles Completed: 2709
Miles To Go: 991
Only three states remain on the tour: Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia. Sean & Pat will quickly dispatch with most of Illinios today heading south out of Murphysboro on Route 127, cutting east by Carbondale, and then zig-zagging on country roads eventually riding Routes 147, 145, and 146 to Eddyville, IL and the Golconda State Recreation Area on the Ohio River.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Sallie Logan Public Library in Murphysboro, IL.
Come on feel the Illinoise!
Good job guys, keep up the good work.
Good-Better-Best, Never let it rest, till your good is better, and your better--best. Keep up tthe good work---your BEST is in sight. Opa/Oma
Less than 1000 miles to go,three states left! WOW! What an accomplishment! Keep up the great work. I look forward each day to seeing your daily travels. Keep safe!
Wow, you made it to Illinois on the 25th like we planned - oh, yeah you're downstate and we're in Chicago - oh well! It looks like you guys had a fab time in St. Louis! Glad to hear from you twice yesterday! Kentucy is in your sights-that's gotta feel good. You're almost there!
Dad & I are headed for downtown Chi-town to take in the sights before the wedding rehersal tonight. Everyone here sends their love and support - go sean go!
Call when you can.
Be Safe & Have Fun!
Love & miss you xoxoxxo
Greetings from Banda Aceh Indonesia,
I hope this works. For some reason all the instructions on this page have changed to Bahasa Indonesian. Web site it prety damn smart.
My friends here are all amazed at what you are doing. Very few people ride bicycles here anymore as they all seem to have motorbikes. Will try to keep up with you.
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