Miles Completed Today: 68
Total Miles Completed: 1337
Miles To Go: 2363
As of yesterday, the guys have now completed one third of the total trip with a good ride of 82 miles. Mother Nature cooperated, it was a nice smooth road, and there were no equipment issues. The days have been blending together now and we are sometimes having to remember what day of the week it is. So much transpires each day that when we recall something that happened just the day before, it seems like so long ago. Today, they took off for the ski town of Telluride about 78 miles away, a good, steady, uphill ride, but the conditions are perfect; 60 degrees, sixty-five hundred feet elevation, and a path through the pines and along the Dolores River. Coming across the high plateau from Utah yesterday snow was still visible on peaks of the Rockies, so we expect to see some patches near the summit today at ten thousand feet just before Telluride.
Happy 4th of July!
Update: The ride from Dolores, CO to Telluride, CO was quite interesting. Starting with the first real clouds we have seen on the trip to a rain shower that hit the guys briefly and even dropped a little hail. It was a quick shower, but the clouds lingered through the ride as they reached the summit at Lizard pass and until 6 PM when they rolled into Telluride. Everyone really likes this place; an old mining town turned ski town that has a maximum speed limit of 15 mph everywhere. That's right, 15 mph. We even saw someone on a bicycle get pulled over as we rolled in to town. Pizza at the local bakery follwed by Fourth of July fireworks that boomed and echoed off the tight mountian walls made for a memorable evening. Rather than fight the traffic jam after the fireworks, we snuck the van into a new, exclusive housing development that only had two unfinished homes in it, and fell asleep.
A great big thank you to everyone who has supported our guys this far! One-third of the way done already - how awesome is that!
Happy 4th of July to all! It's all about FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE!
Sean & Pat - you are definately demontrating your independence, strength, endurance, and pride. Ride strong & proud on USA's 231st birthday.
Love you all! Be Safe & Have Fun! Call when you can.
Hey Guys,
Wow, you are knocking down some miles now. A third of the way and making tracks. Hope some of the teams can keep up with you, or maybe you will just have to catch up to others ahead of you. Hope you have some fun and see some fireworks today.
Dad Fitz
what's with the fingers in every picture. and it's always different fingers and different numbers of fingers. are you guys communicating with every gang in the country, just trying to catch all of their signs? Telluride looks great, and great weather. Keep it up.
You are missing the record heat in Tucson 110 dgrees. Congratulations on compleing 1/3 of you trip. Are you tired yet??? I enjoy the photos and reading the blog. Be safe and have fun
Dr. Schulter
Hey guys - the Tour de France is about to start! You are doing something much longer and more committed - bravo! And, the mountains will be behind you soon, so take the chance to orient yourselves with landmarks like that as they will all be gone by next week - corn, corn, glorious corn (and whatever else they grow on the plains).
Your future looks (wait, the crystal ball is still warming up......) oh - amber waves, I see amber waves :)
Rebecca - Jacqueline's friend.
Wow! 1/3 of it done already! You guys are doing great! Sean I love the guitarish picture or I don't really know what you are doing (but it is funny :)) Good luck, you guys are doing amazing!
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