Miles Completed Today: 66
Total Miles Completed: 1472
Miles To Go: 2228
Sleeping in can be dangerous, but thanks to Sean's Dad getting us a really nice hotel room last night, it was hard not to do so this morning. Anyway, the guys got underway at 10:45 AM and are heading toward Gunnison, CO about 66 miles east on Highway 50. We'll pass one of the newest National Parks in the country, Black Canyon National Park, just outside Montrose, famous for its steep and close canyon walls.
Update: After passing Black Canyon early in the ride, the road wound through the Curecant National Recreation Area, which is home to three lakes that are part of the Colorado River Storage Project. Before the dams for the lakes were built and old "narrow gauge" railroad used to meander through the river valley. Eventually it connected to the continental rail systems in Denver and Salt Lake, and it was used mainly for moving livestock back and forth between the high country and the plains, or to the stockyards in Denver. By the 1940's it was past its prime and was no longer in use.
Chris. Today is the first day I have had time to look at all the entries and read them. It is so exciting to follow you across the US. Thanks for posting the account. I will try to keep up better now. I am so glad Martin forwarded me the link. Take care of the two riders. Sending my best. Maureen Ohab
pat, glad to see the last few pictures the sunglasses and the same shirt are on since you got the message to change them. I figure they'll be in every picture the rest of the way. you guys haven't answered me about the significance of all the different fingers being held up, i guess i wont get an answer - like changing the shirt and taking off the sunglasses - you guys are the easy riders of the bicycle world. keep it up guys
uncle tim
The different fingers in the pictures is them counting the days such as, day 22.
Good job guys.
Hi Guys, Finally figured out how to add our congratulations to your ongoing challenge. We have been tracking you daily on a map.You all looklean and mean and capable of the tasks ahead. Hang in there. Love Oma and Opa Fitz
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