Miles Completed Today: 80
Total Miles Completed: 2335
Miles To Go: 1365
"Mr. Six Pack" who thought he would beat the heat riding shirtless yesterday failed to heed the SAG's warning and ended up with a nice sunburn pattern on his back. He's back to wearing a shirt today, and they're on the road to Ash Grove, MO, just on the western fringe of the Ozark Mountains. They call them mountains here, but we westerners know they're really only hills. Since the cycling maps stopped including elevation profiles once we left Colorado, the guys aren't concerned about them. Humidity continues to plague them and they constantly stop for water and A/C breaks to stay fresh. It's only supposed to be 90 today, and a little lower on Thursday and Friday as a front pushes through from the north.
Today's Internet courtesy of the Pittsburg, KS Public Library.
Update: A five hour delay at the bike shop in Pittsburg dragged the guys down, but they insisted on getting to Ash Grove, MO instead of stopping in Golden City, MO. Sooooo, they ended up finishing the last few miles in the dark countryside of Missouri where dogs chase in the dark, bug sounds drown out all others, and smelly cow odors permeate the night air. Pat had an opportunity to try his new can of "Halt" dog repellant, but outran the varmints with Sean. Lesson learned.
The road from Golden City to Ash Grove was so remote, the SAG passed only two or three cars. Abandoned houses and dead or dying towns were the norm, and an old gas station with gas for $1.12 a gallon told how long ago it closed.
How did those shirts get back in the pictures? We thought they had been burned by the state police as hazardous waste not fit for interstate transportation.
You'd think guys who lived in the blazing heat and sun of the desert would remember to use a little ol' thing called SUNSCREEN but noooooo. Next time you want to go shirtless, deal with the uncomfortableness of having your "cycling partner" lube you up (with sunscreen).
Sean, it was truly a thrill to chat with you today.
Be Safe, Ride Lots (the countdown is on) & Have Fun.
Call when you when you have service. xoxoxox
Hi Pat & Sean,
I will surely miss my bed having been away from home for over a month now but two seem to be enjoying every bit of the ride. As always, have fun and be safe!
Med & Bong - Philippines
Hi Patrick and Sean, Congratulations from Brazil. Fantastic choice and I hope you have nice days until the end of the journey. I'll take a ride with you visiting dayly this nice blog.
Here in Rio we have now the Panamerican Games and we can negociate your presence in the bike maraton ;-) You must be ready to this.
Regards and have a lot of fun,
Jomar Carvalho Filho - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Hi Patrick and Sean, Cheers from Charles in Korea. Great choice and I hope Pat remember me who is a friend of your Dad, and in 2005 you and your parents visit my family in Busan. Also, I hope to see you again in Busan with your whole family in 2008 when we have the WAS meeting in May. Here in Busan, we have a hot and wet summer as usual. Have the nice journey!
Best wishes and have a lot of fun,
Sungchul Charles Bai from Busan, Rep. of Korea
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