Miles Completed Today: 58
Total Miles Completed: 1109
Miles To Go: 2591
A late start around 10:50 AM today made for a rough day riding the road from Hanksville, UT to the Hite Recreation Area at the upper most reaches of Lake Powell. The temperature topped 100 again and rough head winds blowing through Glen Canyon on the ride into Lake Powell zapped their energy, and then Sean's bike broke down before the final two miles into camp. Fortunately, they brought along a spare part (a dropout?), and it worked. The Hite Recreation Area, however, was very primitive and the only store there closed at 2:00 PM, so we could not buy ice or anything else. At one point four cycling teams were there: the "California" team, the "Swedes", Pat & Sean, and a newcomer from New Hampshire. Part of the "Connecticut" team drove ahead from Hanksville to scout out the next day's ride and was kind enough to bring food for everyone to snack on, and then they gave Pat & Sean refills on their way back. Still, the other teams were banking on getting food at the store so they were hurting, but we made spaghetti for everyone after a sunset swim in Lake Powell. Despite the limited facilities, the area was very scenic with sheer canyon cliffs surrounding the area and mesas in the distance. Sleeping was very difficult since it was still 96 degrees at 10:00 PM.
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