Miles Completed Today: 88
Total Miles Completed: 2565
Miles To Go: 1135
Pat & Sean got up early today at 6:00AM in hopes of breaking the century mark today to make up for lost time yesterday, and to get us to the closest point from St. Louis, where we plan to take the day off tomorrow. They'll head east on Route 106 from Eminence, MO, cut north at Ellington, MO, and then follow routes 21/72 and N to Farmington, and then a few country roads to River Aux Vases, MO, a few miles short of the Mississippi River.
Update: No century mark today, but eighty-eight miles through the Ozarks is close enough. The guys finished riding in Farmington, MO and we drove an hour up to St. Louis and checked in to a hotel for the night and a well deserved break day tomorrow. Judging from the picture of a road sign we passed today, you can see why it's so easy to get lost in Missouri.
Taking the day off to see St. Louis? Why the heck would you want to do that? Ali museum in Louisville, the Lorraine's in Memphis, and you're going to chill in St. Louis? Drop-kick Mark McGuire if you see him.
MARGE: "Grandpa, this flag only has 49 stars on it"
GRANDPA: "I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I acknowledge Missouri as a state!"
Hey Guys,
88 miles is a very good day. Especially in the Ozarks. You will be ready for the Tour de France next year.
Be careful if you take the Gateway Arch tour. Bunch of people got stuck for 4 hours in the elevator today. Have fun with an off-day.
Hi guys,
Hope you had a good day in St. Louis. Now ready for the big home stretch ride. You are already more than two thirds done.
Pat, I changed your UA orientation date to Aug 16-17. In case you need a couple of extra days on way back.
Hi from Hong Kong,
Changing flights and hoped to see something new on the site. Will check again when I change flights again in Kuala Lumpur.
Hope you had a fun off day and are now into Illinois.
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