Miles Completed Today: 74
Total Miles Completed: 3051
Miles To Go: 649
The lazy, hazy days of Summer continue today, and the air is so thick with humidity you could probably scoop a handful worth and squeeze out a few drops of water. Dew covered the van this morning and made us think it drizzled at night. Visibility is so poor, it's not even possible to see what the weather will be like for more than five minutes. But they persevered and hit the road at 10:40 this morning headed from Springfield, KY to Harrodsburg, KY on Route 152. Harrodsburg was the first established settlement east of the Applachains in 1774. From Harrodsburg they wound through more Bluegrass countryside to Berea, today's destination.
We are in the heart of blugrass country now dotted with lush, green horse farms, tobacco fields, and cool stone fences. Sean's Dad got us a great hotel room in Lexington for the night and we are soaking up the air conditioning, showers, and swimming pool. Thank you!
Hi, Guys--
Hard to love that humidity, huy? I rode my motorcycle to Florida back in 1972, and I remember my nights down south in my nylon-covered sleeping bag. Woke up in a puddle every hour on the hour all night long. By morning, I was like swimming in it. I'm surprised that you haven't encountered any "love bugs" yet (flying beetles with gooey white interiors). They'll teach you to keep your mouth closed! You guys sure got balls--way to go!!!
Let's see, you started at 10:40 am, and my alarm went off at 5:00 so I could start work at 6:30. I want that job riding a bike through the country side starting at 10:40. Well I guess I would tire of the humidity. But I still might want your job if the pay is ok, how much are you getting paid again? Keep it up guys, you get to work next summer and will be top performers next summer with your superior fitness. Uncle Tim
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