Miles Completed Today: 64
Total Miles Completed: 1946
Miles To Go: 1754
We got a few inches of rain dumped on us last night in Dighton, KS by a big thunderstorm, but we were fine in the van and the bikes stayed dry under a big ramada in the park. Fortunately, it's very cool today, about 70 and cloudy, so the bikers are enjoying nice riding weather on Route 96 headed to Rush Center, KS. The winds are still blowing, but they're getting used to it.
Update: We made it to Rush Center, but since it was so sparse, we drove five miles north to La Crosse for dinner and better camping options. While we were the only people eating at Gambino's pizza and deli on a Friday night, we asked the manager where everyone was, and she replied "at the rodeo". It was only fifteen minutes down the road to McCracken, KS, so we headed over that way and caught a little more Kansas culture. The rodeo was great entertainment, especially the "non-traditional" events like the muffin stuffin (kids trying to wrestle sheep), wild horse race (three-man teams try to saddle and race wild horses), and another event where little kids try to pull a ribbon off three wild calves--pure pandemonium!
Today's Internet courtesy of the Ness City, KS Public Library.
Hi Guys,
65 miles a day so far, crossing mountains, fording rivers, outrunning jackalopes, and surviving county fair food in Kansas. I think this is how Superman did it as well.
Keep on truckin....
Hi Chris and Company,
Half way, congratulations! Hope the winds cooperate. Watching your progress gives me motivation to ride more. Ride safely!
OMG! Your whizzing in the park photo from yesterday is killing me! LOL! You guys are too funny. So glad you're having the time of your life! Play time is over - many miles to go before your August deadline. You two can do it, you just need some really big days on the road.
Git ta peddlin' boys!!!!!
Be Safe & Have Fun! Call when you can. xoxoxo
Hi Guys- You are doing great, we look forward to reading your progress everyday. Like all the pictures - especially the one of you peeing haha.Keep up the good work. Ride safe Love Oma and Opa Fitz
Interesting shot with the sprinklers...Either that's an impressive homage to Benny Hill, or you've been holding it since Colorado.. Next time, use the camper toilet -Chris told me he's "bummed" because its not getting enough use. :< )
dear patrick and uncle chris and sean i want to publish a book about you. love miss bookworm
Dear Uncle Chris, Patrick and Sean
Are you drinking enough water? You should drink a lot of it or you will get a headache. For my camp I became a TenderFoot scout and I am almost Second Class and halfway to First. For camp I earned the Swimming Merit Badge,Woodcarving,Sculpture and Aviation. I now have six merit badges total.
Guys took wrong turn this AM and were in Great Bend before realizing mistake. They will meet you in Nickerson.
Hi guys,
Love your blog and effort guys. We are in Lincoln City Oregon where it is 65F and the ocean is blue!!!
Patrick, we are enjoying the CD's you made for us.
Keep pumping and get home for classes !!!!!!!!!!!
Jeanne and Ray Sierka
Dear Patrick,
You and your friend are really great, and I am proude of you guys. Take care.
Yang Yi
AIT, Thailand
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