Miles Completed Today: 71
Total Miles Completed: 2860
Miles To Go: 940
True Southern Hospitality is what you would call Sebree's First Baptist Church hosting for cyclists. It was nice surprise, and the guys will remember it for a long time to come. Today, they'll be riding into Kentcky Bluegrass as they go from Sebree to Rough River State Park.
Update: A late start, i.e. 11:30 AM, means a late finish, and in the summer thunderstorms tend form in the afternoons when it's hot. Today was no exception and rain showers slowed the duo throughout the day and they were only one mile away from the Rough River State Recreation Area when they had to seek refuge. After waiting it out and drying out, they ran into Chris on a "rescue mission". Once they realized they were so close to the campground, they decided to ride the last mile on the bikes, but once they got halfway there, the skies opened up and dumped buckets of rain on them and they rolled into camp soaked like wet rags. After showering though, the deluge continued with everyone in the van. Rain blew through the ceiling fan and started dripping inside, so it had to be closed along with the windows, which made for a humid steam bath and rough sleeping conditions for the night.
Internet access is getting limited here, but we'll try to get updated soon.
WoW!! Here you are in KY (please say "Hi" to the "Colonel" for me and let him know how much I love his chicken) and only 1 more state away from the finish!
I know the heat and humidity are like being beaten with a steaming hot wet blanket, but hang tough and try to get going as early as you can to avoid the worst of it! You guys are doing GREAT!!!! (and quite an inspiration to a lot of people you've never even met!)
In some respects it seems that you just started and can't believe that you are only one state from end and have well under a thousand miles left.
Internet is also limited here in Banda Aceh Indonesia, but I leave for Malaysia tomorrow where connections will be better. See you soon.
Elizabethtown! Like the movie!! We'll watch it when you get back.
Hiiieee Guys. Only one more state?!? Whooopiee! I hear KY is beautiful but watch out for the Colonel's chickies running around. Or, better yet, keep a bottle of honey mustard handy. Yumm. Am so proud of you all.. And am glad you've met such gracious friends.
We're having an awesome monsoon and the froggies are croaking loud. Am loving the storms. Stay safe! Love Jennine
You guys seem to have a good pace going. I was away from internet access for a week working out of town, so just caught up for the last week, it was a good one. As for the Harry Potter dilemma, you need to take reading lessons from Daniel (as do I), he read it in one day (the day he got it) in about 9 hours of reading. Since you guys are picking up the pace do you have a little blood doping going on, a little testosterone, steroids, etc., etc., will Chris have to start taking urine samples? Good luck, Uncle Tim
Wow you guys have really zoomed this past week. I haven't had internet access for a week, so it was fun catching up to you guys. Harry Potter is quite addictive. However with my surgery I have snoozed every other chapter. Only half way through, which you guys are probably done by now because you are so amazing. Sean don't you dare tell me anything!!
Wow one more state! You guys are unbelievably amazing! This has to be the trip of a lifetime. You are almost done! Good luck and keep up the good work!
Hi Guys,
Checking in from Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia, Sunday afternoon here already. Disappointed to not see any updates for last couple of days, but figure that you have probably been cruising until late hours making a big push.
Be careful now that you have come so far and do not get complacent. We do not want to see any of those buttocks road rashes that we have been seeing in the Tour de Drugs. Especially the guy who hit the dog yesterday.
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