Miles Completed Today: 58
Total Miles Completed: 1811
Miles To Go: 1889
Today's forecast is for 10-15 mph south-southeast winds with gusts up to 40 mph in the afternoon, so Pat & Sean will be making another slow grind today. At 12:30 though the gusts already feel like 30 mph and are shaking the SAG wagon from side to side. The goal today is Tribune, KS about sixty miles away, but we'll just have to see what happens. Leaving Eads, CO at 10:00 AM the duo headed east on Route 96 continuing the journey across the Great Plains. Now that we're here, we think we realized why they're called Plains. We always thought it was because they were flat and stretched forever, but now we think maybe it's because they are just plain. There is not much to see, just fields, grasses, some cows here and there, and an occasional rabbit, although Chris did spot two wild jackelopes yesterday!
Update: We're in Kansas! Tribune, KS to be exact. And there's a tornado watch a few miles west of here, but it's almost sunset and things are settling down so there's little likelihood of a real tornado. But if there is, we've already been offered shelter by one of the locals.
We met Victor Weinreber in the park where we are camping tonight. If you thought Sean and Pat were ambitious, Victor is on the early leg of a 3-year round-the-world bike trip. Victor's travails are chronicled on the crazyguyonabike website: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/?o=QzzM&doc_id=1158&v=87
Hieeee!! Nothing worse than wind when you're riding. It's like riding straight up hill all the time. YUK. I'll have a little chitty chat w/ Mama Nature for you, or Dorthy & Toto, and see what I can do about that. That was one heck of a pile of wheat. All's well here and monsoon is official. Hang in there... We miss and love you all.
Jackalopes? Really?!? Validation at long last! I knew they were for real, ever since I was 10 and saw one on a postcard at a KOA campground!!
WOW! You're nearly to the 1/2 way mark!! Hope that wind dies down so you get this leg behind you faster. Keep your eye on the weather and BE SAFE!
(Don't get any funny ideas about chasing tornados on your bikes :< ) )
Words of inspiration from the Frog Prince.
Tornados! Just click your red biking shoes together and say "there's nothing like home...there's nothing like home" {: Sorry the goings been slow with the wind. We were thinking you'd be able to zip through Kansas with it being so flat. We miss you ~ glad you're having a good time. Chris, you are our hero! Linda
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