Miles Completed Today: 84
Total Miles Completed: 2114
Miles To Go: 1586
Crossing the 2,000 mile mark yesterday passed without any fanfare mainly because we didn't realize it until today, so tonight we'll have a special "bike2K" dinner celebration in Cassoday, KS, today's destination. The guys want to take a day off somewhere, maybe St. Louis, MO, so they are kicking up the miles now. Plus, we ran the numbers again and saw there wasn't a lot of margin for finishing the ride before school starts in August. Humidity is now becoming a factor, and yesteday was the first day of warm temperatures AND humidity, so they now see what it feels like--a little different than dry, Arizona heat. Pat noticed that he was already soaked today before rolling out of Nickerson, KS at 9:30 AM.
Nice and lucky riding yesterday. We hope your luck continues to hold so well. You have picked it up to 65.5 miles per day now. Another 80 today will get you to 66. The distance to go is coming down fast now that you are over half way.
Keep riding safe and smart.
Wow! 2000 miles is a lot of miles. Great job. You guys must be made of steel. Ha ha. Yuck, humidity is horrible. Good thing you didn't have to cross another river, I can just see the relief on Sean's face. You are doing great. Have fun :)
I swear, see what happens without a good navigator by your side. You'll be lucky if you don't pull a Columbus and think you've made it to the Atlantic when really you're down at the Gulf of Mexico.
Slackers! Both of you! According to you when you left, you have 19 days to make it to the Atlantic. So you better hope there's some magic in those bikes of yours or else the Yara-ma-yha-who is going to drain your blood on a lonely highway somewhere. I warned you, so don't expect me to shed some tears at your funeral.
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