Miles Completed Today: 74
Total Miles Completed: 3125
Miles To Go: 675*
(*According to the maps we have 675 miles to go, so that's why it bumped up 100 miles
from yesterday. The total was supposed to be 3700, but it looks like it will be closer to 3800)
Berea, KY (pronounced buh-ree-uh) is home to Berea College, the first interracial, coeducational college in the South, founded in 1855 on a picturesque 140 acre campus dotted with massive oak trees. Students pay no tuition, but are required to work during the entire four years in the community or at the school. Pat and Sean did not want to leave the setting, but like Daniel Boone, the most famous local, they blazed the trails of eastern Kentucky despite the perils. Instead of bears, Indians, and other hazardous wildlife though, they will battle cars, humidity, craft selling artists, and bicycle chasing dogs.
Hills were spotted on the horizon in the distance this morning, meaning Appalachia is near. Today's route will twist and turn out of Berea on Route 21 and other country roads eventually leading to Buckhorn, KY, seventy-four miles away.
Today's Internet courtesy of Berea College in Berea, KY.